What is Sankustapana
Sankustapana is only Laying the establishment stone in the empty plot.
In better places, this promising capacity has diverse names like Bhumi Pooja or Boomi Puja or Bumi Puja, rapprochement work, Bedrock service, preparation festivity and so on.
As per our older folks' bearings, we have to perform religion capacities at the Bhoomi (Goddess Earth). The five components viz., Vaayu, Jal, Prithvi, Aakash and Agni, these Panchabhoothas ought to be upbeat in the land.
The earth is most decent to us all. We should pay respects to the earth before beginning the development work.
While at the season of home development, we have to perform Bhoomi Pooja i.e., Sankustapana Pooja.
The occupant ought to perform Vastu Shanthi and Navagraha Shanthi poojas.
Bhumi puja disposes of the blocks and different sorts of Bhoo doshas.
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